Imagine you’re fast asleep in bed. All of a sudden you wake-up in a wild panic! You sit up, turn on the bedside lamp and inform your partner in a defiant, urgent tone, “We must have new windows put in!”
Now let’s go back to reality. This doesn’t happen. Although you may glance out of your windows at home up to thirty or forty times a day, this is usually to check out how your buddleia is coming along, not to observe the condition of your traditional timber windows themselves. Apart from visible signs, such as cracks and obvious deterioration, it’s difficult to tell if it’s time for a replacement.
To make you aware of the warning signs, and to save your partner an interrupted night’s sleep, we’ve produced a fantastic guide on what you should be looking for…
1. The Condition of the Wood
The types of windows installed in period or modern houses are traditionally made of wood (though some may opt for uPVC). Whether it’s sash windows or casement windows, the longevity of its functional life is mostly determined by how the wooden parts remain intact, free of damage, decay and rot. The organic properties of wooden windows can lead to accelerated decline of quality if exposed to moisture and too much heat. Look out for chipped layers and holes appearing on the surface, tell-tale signs that indicate decay. If the rot is too far gone, it’s time to think about replacement. The saving you would make on energy bills is enough or a reason alone.
2. Faulty Parts
Finding the time is difficult, but the pulleys on sash windows, and the hinges and screws on casement windows which stabilise the window and enable smooth of use, should always be maintained. If these small parts are weak or worn, they will need to be substituted for new ones. Open and close each window to see if it operates smoothly. If there is noticeable friction between the hinges which hinders the smooth operation of opening and closing, it may need replacing. Better to change it now, rather than having a more costly bill later on. We’d be happy to help you here at The Specialists in Traditional Sash Windows. Simply give us a call on 0800 389 7384.
3. Window Panes
While cracks in the frame are easy to spot, it’s crucial to scrutinise the panes more carefully. Built-up condensation or frost is common on older windows and as well as it being unsightly it also causes damage to the timber. Single glazing is a poor insulator, the benefits of new energy efficient double glazing can prevent heat loss by over 50%. We know our stuff here at the Sash Window Specialist, if you want more information, pick up the phone and speak to us on 0800 389 7384.
4. Noise from the outside
The windows you install should also function as noise reduction to shield you from the sounds outside- noisy neighbours and shrieking cats, that sort of thing. Older windows have little or no insulation from draughts. Effective draught excluders not only aid the smooth operation of the windows but also provide insulation around a window, hugely reducing unwanted sound and draughts. Here’s a stat for you; double-glazed glass windows improve noise reduction by over 50%. Consider replacement timber windows with energy efficient argon filled double glazing for greater thermal efficiency and sound reduction, as well as reducing your own carbon footprint.
5. Energy Saving
Ever since the media and government started to take the warning signs of Global Warming seriously, greener alternatives have been gaining popularity. Maintaining the quality of windows is a good way to play an active role in using less energy, and ultimately reducing the cost of your gas bill. Ensure cold draughts are reduced through effective draught excluding and fit double-glazed timber windows to create a warmer home environment and lower those heating bills. To talk green, call our office on 0800 389 7384 and have a chat about all things environmentally friendly with our staff.
After traipsing around your house, checking each window for the five signs of wear and tear, you’ll either be breathing a sigh of relief, or you’ll be reaching for the phone to get your windows fixed. Ensuring that your home is safe, secure and comfortable will not only allow you to sleep easy at night, but will also save you money in the long run. We’d be happy to help you here at The Specialists in Traditional Sash Windows. Have a look around our website for more information or speak to us directly on 0800 389 7384.
We endeavour to serve as much of the South-East of England and surrounding counties as possible and have been installing & renovating sash windows, casement windows and doors throughout these areas since our founding in 1999. We cover areas including Central London, South London, South West London, Surrey, Berkshire, Kent, Hampshire, Middlesex and Sussex. Please see the areas we serve for further location details.