If your sash windows are draughty, cold and rattle in the wind, then it might be about time you do something about it. If money is tight, then instead of replacing them, a cheaper alternative is to have the windows draught proofed. This will provide insulation and fill in any gaps that your current windows may have.
The Specialist in Traditional Sash Windows, the leading experts in draught proofing windows, provide a service which is guaranteed to make your home a lot warmer and more secure. The specially trained experts will check the weights, fit new nylon cords and put in new parting and staff beads with draught excluders. The draught excluder will also befitted across the centre of your bottom sash, so you will be able to open both of your sash windows with ease and without any rattles.
One of the main benefits of deciding to draught proof your windows instead of replacing them is the work can be carried out without major structural work. The process is a lot quicker and is guaranteed to provide the best results.
The Specialist in Traditional Sash Windows provide a wide range of window furniture in various finishes, which are in-keeping with the traditional look of the windows. They will also provide dual position security locks, which are insurance approved and designed to be safe for children, which means you can keep the window open at a fixed position and there is no danger they will slam shut.
One of the main benefits of draught proofing your windows is it will save you money on your electricity bills. The brush pile draught excluding system which is fitted will result in a great amount of draughts being eradicated and ensuring that the windows are no longer prone to that annoying rattling.
Another reason why draught proofing your widows is a good idea is to alleviate any noise pollution. Many houses are on busy streets in cities and towns, and car alarms, trains and passers-by could be disturbing you more than you realise. Draught proofing is one of the best ways to reduce noise pollution, as sash windows can often have gaps in between the box and the windows themselves. Draught proofing blocks those gaps, which will cut out a considerable amount of noise.
The Specialist in Traditional Sash Windows have been draught proofing for many years. Their experienced and friendly team of engineers and joiners are able to deal with any type of sash window and eradicate any problems. The team work extremely meticulously and understand the importance of accuracy when it comes to draught proofing.
If you’re looking for draught proofing sash windows in Surrey, London, Hampshire, Berkshire or West Sussex, get in touch with The Specialist in Traditional Sash Windows on 08003897384 or visit www.sashwindowspecialist.co.uk.